Tuesday, June 27, 2000

Post its and spare time

I have a confession to make. I read the Pottery Barn Catalog for fun. Am I sick? It's just that I look at my room, then I look at the bedrooms in the Pottery Barn, and I just melt. I wonder sometimes, how do the people who live in Pottery Barn bedrooms have absolutely no clutter? Even when I clean my room, I've still got a bunch of clutter lying around. Little things, like post its with random thoughts (Post its are a great source of inspiration for me) and small trinkets I pick up at gift shops or foreign countries. How do Pottery Barn people avoid this? Their clutter consists of a flower, an antique book, a piece of fruit, or some fancy stationary. How can they such a perfect wonderful life with no Post its? This odd, clutter less and clear life puzzles me. I will never have it, and that is what makes it so entertaining to look at. six:forty-eight pm