1. "Kaelan, you look HOT in that jacket." --- "Jacket! Jacket! Jacket! Jacket!"

2. "Fuck you, Bloody Mary!... Oh no! What if she heard that?"

3. "You could be having sex right now!"     -racheld
    "doo doo lee doo, doo doo lee doo!" (weird arm motions)     -laura


5. "Kaelan and I slept together last night. She took pictures, Laura watched. It was very intimate. Zoe couldn't handle it and went to the bathroom to sleep in the tub."

6. "I'm not ready for sex."
    -anonymous non-virgin

7. "I don't understand why people are so comfortable grabbing your boobs. I wouldn't feel comfortable being the groper."
    -racheld to jeesh

8. "Zip it up tomorrow morning and come to bed."
    -racheld to kaelan

9. "Will you accept a collect call from "heh heh... sand."?

10. "Will you accept a collect call from "All you have to do is say YES! [snore]"? Say "yes" after the tone to accept.

11. "Are you naked?"     -racheld to kaelan
      "Kevin Bacon?"    -laura

12. "I won! I won!"
      -racheld (holding two packs of peanut m&m;'s)

13. "We're going to have sex now. Get off our bed."    -racheld to zoe
      "Okay, fine. I've got Laura."    -zoe to racheld
      [laura gives weird look]
      "No, you can't. Laura's straight. So is Kaelan, and so am I. And you're gay, right?"
      -racheld to zoe

14. "Rachel, move over."     -kaelan
      [sprawled across the bed, stirring from sleep] "No, no, no, no..." [falls asleep again]
      "Just a little bit..."    -kaelan
      [stirs again, then mutters something about pillows and switches her and kaelan's pillow, then falls asleep again]

15. Caramel viagra

16. homelesswindow

17. "I know you want this. We could do this right now. It's so easy. Just say yes."
      "That's a bunch of crap."    -laura

18. "No."
      -laura to zoe about zoe's outfit

19. POLE!

20. [zoe snores] "You've got to be kidding."

21. 525,600 colleges...measure in blue light phooooones...

22. Yay-yuh club

23. "There. Your nun is nice and short."
      Mad libs

24. "A muck a minute"
      -racheld &laura &roach